大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 寒露时节,农人步入金黄与翠绿交织的田园画卷,与这片丰饶的土地融为一体,绘就一幅幅生动而充满诗意的农忙图景。
During the cold dew, farmers step into the yellow and green fields, which are integrated with this rich land and draw a vivid and poetic picture of busy farming.
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 寒露时节,农人步入金黄与翠绿交织的田园画卷,与这片丰饶的土地融为一体,绘就一幅幅生动而充满诗意的农忙图景。
During the cold dew, farmers step into the yellow and green fields, which are integrated with this rich land and draw a vivid and poetic picture of busy farming.